Watch la haine english subtitles free

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Throughout the film there were numerous close up shots that showcased the somewhat intense nature of the film (such as is shown above), as well as various sweeping overhead and establishing shots. Both expressions are utilized by the three friends, and I feel really showcase the personal struggles they are living throughout the film. Some of the themes that really stood out to me were the expressions, “La haine attire la haine” (“Hatred breeds hatred”), and the contrasting “Le Monde est à nous” (“The world is ours”). The whole film depicts roughly a one day period of time, and is presented completely in French with English subtitles. The plot of La Haine three friends of various ethnic descents struggling to survive in the projects of Paris. This film is notable as the breakout role for actor Vincent Cassel (Ocean’s Twelve, Black Swan), and has met widespread critical acclaim. Recently I watched La Haine, a black-and-white French film written and directed by Mathieu Kassovitz.

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